Industry News & Analysis
Order Up! 5 Ways Restaurants Can Increase Revenue in 2024 (Plus Top Restaurant Trends)
As a restaurant owner, the lunchtime rush should excite you when considering the increased revenue and customers. If dinner time is more disappointing than intriguing because you’ve been lacking customers lately, it might be time to consider localizing your marketing efforts. A localized marketing approach can lead to better engagement, more efficiency, and, ultimately, higher […]
News & Views
Tips & Best Practices
7 Benefits of Partnering with a Brand Marketing Agency
Your team is bursting at the seams. Your business is implementing marketing tactics but isn’t guided by an overarching strategy. And writer Douglas Adams sums up your ability to get work out the door best with his famous quote, “I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” You’re weighing […]
Tips & Best Practices
Don’t Waste Advertising Dollars (Again)
Marketing pioneer John Wanamaker infamously said, “Half my advertising spend is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” Like great ad copy, this quote sticks because it rings true to marketers and C-suite executives. We all wonder how the billboard, sponsorship, or third retargeting ad impacted our customers. How can we identify waste, […]
Tips & Best Practices
Traditional Media vs Digital Media: How to Determine the Best Ad Spend for Your Brand in 2024
A new year is a chance to reevaluate your brand’s marketing efforts: evaluate strengths and weaknesses, analyze competitors, and review budgets. And when it comes to budgets, determining advertising spend and where to put those dollars is more complicated than ever. With infinite content options and limited time and attention, consumers are easily fatigued by […]
Tips & Best Practices
Recognize, Acknowledge, Apologize: How Brands Can Turn Trials into Triumphs
Accidentally hitting “reply all” on an email to your whole company. Not muting yourself on a Zoom call. It’s embarrassing, but people make mistakes. And since people run businesses, it’s also common for brands to make mistakes—and these days, one mistake could be detrimental. One recent blunder came from DraftKings. On September 11, 2023, DraftKings […]
Tips & Best Practices
Seven Mistakes You May Be Making With Your Personal Brand
Most companies know what they value, what drives them, and what they represent—that’s their brand. The same answers are the building blocks for your personal brand—the authentic manifestation of who you are. Like a business’s brand, personal brands are built with the same ingredients. In this article, we’ll look at seven mistakes people make regarding […]
Tips & Best Practices
What’s Better Than a Customer? A Returning Customer.
You’ve probably heard that keeping an existing customer is cheaper than acquiring a new one, and here’s the proof from Forbes: Existing customers are 50% more likely to try new products and typically spend 31% more than new customers. Increasing retention by 5% can increase business profits by up to 95%. From 2015 to 2020, […]
Tips & Best Practices
Know Your Audience: Personalizing Paid Media for Gen Z
Picture this: you’re binge-scrolling one night, hoping to zone out for a while and decompress from your day at work, and all of a sudden, an ad for something you’re not even remotely interested in pops up, disrupting your experience. It’s happened to all of us, and let’s be honest—it’s super annoying, and you probably […]
Tips & Best Practices
Building a Brand by Slice: Why Holistic Branding Matters to Your Bottom Line
Apple, chocolate cream, and pecan… they’re great as a slice, but even better as a whole pie. Much like a good key lime, a great brand considers its brand as a whole, not piece by piece. Holistic brands outshine and outperform fragmented brands (brands with missing slices) with more loyal and happy customers and greater […]